The name of the corporation shall be Art Guild of the Kennebunks.

The Art Guild of the Kennebunks is a private, charitable, non-profit, cultural organization dedicated to
the advancement of the fine arts, for the benefit of the community and the general public.
Upon its dissolution or other termination of its corporate existence, its assets shall be continued to be
devoted to public charity and shall be distributed among or applied to the advancement of the arts.


Section 1. Artist Members

A. Anyone actively engaged in the professional pursuit of any of the visual arts, may be a candidate
for admission as an Artist Member. If accepted by the membership jury, the applicant will become
an Artist Member upon payment of annual dues and jury fee, if required. Applications for Artist
membership are submitted to the Chairperson of the Membership Committee of the Art Guild of
the Kennebunks. The applicant will be notified when and where to submit work to the
Membership Jury. Five (5) works in one (1) medium must be submitted by an applicant for artist
membership. The Membership Committee reserves the right to alter or waive the jurying process
in unique circumstances subject to prior approval by the Executive Board.

B. Membership Jury

The membership jury shall be appointed by the membership committee and will consist of a
minimum of three artist members. Jurying for new members shall occur in the spring.

Section 2. Patron Members
Patron Members are those individuals who financially support or endorse the Art Guild of the
Kennebunks. Patron members are privileged to attend all Guild functions, receive newsletters and
may have their name included on Art Guild of the Kennebunks literature. Patron Members are not
voting members.

Section 3. Life Members
Life Members are Artist Members who have made a special contribution to the Art Guild of the
Kennebunks. Life Members are granted free membership.

Section 4. Honorary Members
Honorary Members are individuals the Art Guild of the Kennebunks chooses to honor in this manner.

Section 5. Youth Members
Youth Members are students under 18 years of age interested in the study of art. They shall be
entitled to such inducements and privileges as may be granted them by the Executive Board.

Section 6. Associate Members

An Associate Member is a non-voting member who cannot exhibit in the Art Guild shows. They can participate in Guild work and committees and attend all Guild functions.


Section l. Annual Dues
Annual dues for all members shall be due and payable by January 30 of each year. The amount is
to be determined by the Executive Board.


Section 1. Reasons for Forfeiture
On the affirmative vote of a majority of the Executive Board, membership in the Art Guild of the
Kennebunks may be forfeited for either or both of the following reasons.

A. Conduct deemed harmful to the interests of the Art Guild of the Kennebunks.
B. Non-payment of dues.

Section 2. Notice of Forfeiture
Before forfeiture of membership for reasons (A.) above, the member shall be given by registered
mail at his last known address reasonable notice of the proposed action and the privilege of
appealing to the Executive Board. Appeal must occur within thirty (30) days of notification.

Section 3. Automatic Forfeiture
The membership of any member whose dues have remained unpaid for a period of three (3)
years shall be automatically forfeited.


Section l. Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting shall be held in the spring on a date and at a time and place to be designated
by the Executive Board and announced to the membership. In the event of major scheduling
problems, the Board may select a date outside the time period. Roberts Rules of Order shall
govern in all cases to which they are applicable and not inconsistent with the bylaws or policies
of the corporation.

Section 2. Special Meetings

The President is authorized to call a Special Meeting of the Art Guild of the Kennebunks under
any of the following circumstances:

A. When at his/her discretion urgent business must be brought before the voting
B. Upon written request signed by at least ten (10) Artist Members specifying the purpose of
the meeting and the business to be acted upon.
Notice of any special meeting mailed to members in good standing at their last known address at
least fifteen (15) days before the meeting shall constitute adequate notice of such meeting. No
business shall be transacted at any Special Meeting except that for which such meeting was

Section 3. Mail/E-mail Vote
A Mail/e-mail Ballot shall be valid if business arises that, in the opinion of a majority of the
members of the Executive Board, requires the vote of the eligible membership, provided that a
ballot and adequate information as determined by the Executive Committee pertinent to the
motion to be voted upon shall have been mailed/ e-mailed to all members in good standing at
least three (3) weeks before the votes are to be counted.

Section 4. Quorum
Twenty-five (25) percent of the voting members in good standing shall constitute a quorum at all
Annual and Special Meetings of the Art Guild of the Kennebunks.
Under Section 3. (Mail/e-mail vote) of this Article, Twenty-five (25) percent of the voting
members in good standing shall constitute a quorum.

Section 5. Voting Members
A voting member of the Art Guild of the Kennebunks is any artist member in good standing.


The Officers of the Art Guild of the Kennebunks shall be President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary
and Corresponding Secretary. Officers shall be determined by the membership yearly at the Annual

Section 1. President
The President shall be the chief officer of the Art Guild of the Kennebunks. He/she shall preside
at all meetings; in case of an equal division of any question, he/she shall have the deciding vote.
He/she shall be an ex officio member of all other committees and remain a member of the
Executive Board for one year after his/her term expires.

Section 2. Vice President
The Vice President shall discharge the duties of the President in the absence of the President. In
the absence of both and President and Vice President, the temporary chairperson shall be elected
by the Executive Board from among the artist members of the Board.

Section 3. Secretary
The Secretary shall keep a faithful record of the proceedings of the Art Guild of the Kennebunks,
including minutes of the Executive Board meetings, and shall issue in writing notices of
meetings of the Art Guild of the Kennebunks and of the board. The Secretary shall be responsible
for all documents and records of The Art Guild of the Kennebunks.

Section 4. Corresponding Secretary
The Corresponding Secretary shall discharge the duties of the secretary in the absence of the
The Corresponding Secretary shall handle all correspondence for the Guild at the request of the

Section 5. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall serve as the chief financial officer of the Art Guild of the Kennebunks with
the responsibility for collection and disbursing the funds in accordance with the approved budget
or at the direction of the Executive Board, and shall furnish a written report on the state of the
funds at the Annual Meeting, and more often if requested by the President of the Board.


The Executive Board shall consist of the elected Officers and Chairpersons of the Standing Committees.
The Executive Board and all committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the Nominating Committee
and approved by the membership. The terms of office are three (3) years. Officers and committee chairs
are limited to two (2) terms and may only be extended due to unusual circumstances. The President does
not serve on the nominating committee. This committee is a special committee, consisting of three

members appointed by the president, which only serves until the presentation of the slate of nominees
for vote by the members.

Section 1. Standing Committees

A. Exhibits committee chair
B. Membership Committee chair
C. Publicity Committee chair/Social Media
D. Historian chair
E. Hospitality chair

F. Program Committee Chair

Section 2. Nominating Committee

Shall be appointed by the president and asked to review all positions to present a slate of
officers and committee chairs for a vote by the membership at the annual meeting.

Section 3. Vacancies
Should a vacancy on the board occur during the year, it will be filled by appointment and
approval of the board for the remainder of the year.

Section 4. Emeritus
Emeritus members may be selected for the Board. They are voted onto the board by the
board members for outstanding commitment as Past President or Founding Member and
will have the same voting privileges as other board members.


The Fiscal Year of the Art Guild of the Kennebunks shall be the calendar year.


A proposed amendment must be signed by at least five (5) Artist Members and Submitted to the
Secretary at least twenty (20) days prior to the meeting at which It is to be acted upon. The Secretary
shall submit the proposed amendment to the Voting membership not less than fifteen (15) days prior to
the meeting.

After a quorum has been established, a two-thirds affirmative vote of the voting members present shall
be required to approve an amendment to these By-Laws at an annual meeting or a special meeting, or of
the voting members responding to a mail/e-mail vote.

Articles of Incorporation and By-laws effective 1990
Revised and effective September 1992.
Accepted by AGK Membership
Revised effective May 2012
Accepted by AGK membership
Revised/approved by AGK membership May 2018

Revised/approved by AGK membership June 2024